A Lista de 2017 (Em construção)
Estou fazendo as opções para os itens, na hora da leitura eu escolho o que ler
1. Um livro da Goodreads Choice Awards 2016 (link)
2. Um livro com pelo menos 2 perspectivas (vários pontos de vista)
The Host (The Host, #1) a hospedeira
by Stephenie Meyer
Prince Caspian (Chronicles of Narnia, #4)
by C.S. Lewis
Vampire Academy (Vampire Academy, #1)
by Richelle Mead (Goodreads Author)
3. Um livro que você queria ler em 2016
4. Um título que não contenha a letra "E"
5. Uma ficção histórica
Memoirs of a Geisha: A Novel de
Golden, Arthur
The Name of the Rose de Humberto Eco
6. Um livro sendo lançado como um filme em 2017
Quem é você Alaska de Jonhn Green
Deixa a neve cair de John Green e outros
7. Um livro com um animal na capa ou no título
Ascrônicas de Narnia 7b livros
Radiante serie alison noel
8. Um livro escrito por uma pessoa de cor
9. Um livro no meio da sua lista Para ser lido
10. Um romance dual-timeline
A Casa das Orquídeas
Labirinto Kate Mosse
11. Uma categoria de outro desafio
12. Um livro baseado em um mito
13. Um livro recomendado por um de seus autores favoritos
14. Um livro com um forte personagem feminino
15. Um livro escrito ou ambientado na Escandinávia (Noruega, Suécia, Finlândia, Dinamarca, Islândia)
16. Um mistério
Agatha Christie
17. Um livro com ilustrações
18. Um livro muito longo (600 + páginas)
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (Harry Potter, #6)
Eclipse (Twilight, #3)
19. Um best-seller do New York Times
Inferno de Dan Brown (2013)
20. Um livro que você tem possuído por um tempo, mas não ter chegado ao redor de leitura
21. Um livro que é uma continuação de um livro que você já leu
22. Um livro de um autor que você não leu antes
Clarice Lispector ou virginia woolf, Albert Camus
23. Um livro da BBC "The Big Read" lista (link)
24. Um livro escrito por pelo menos dois autores
deixe a neve cair John green
25. Um livro sobre uma figura histórica famosa
26. Um livro de aventura
Alice no pais das maravilhas
27. Um livro de um de seus autores favoritos
28. Uma não-ficção
29. Um livro publicado fora das 4 grandes editoras (Simon & Schuster, HarperCollins, Penguin Random House e Hachette Livre), verifica todas as edições
30. Um livro de Goodreads Top 100 YA Books (link)
A bussola de ouro O diário de anne frank, A culpa das estrelas
31. Um livro de um subgênero do seu gênero favorito
32. Um livro com um título longo (5 + palavras, excluindo subtítulo)
Harry potter e as relíquias da morte
33. Um romance de realismo mágico
Minuaturista de Jessie Burton
34. Um livro colocado em ou por um autor do Hemisfério Sul
agua para chocolate
35. Um livro onde um dos personagens principais é realeza
a maldição do tigre
diário de princesa
36. Um vencedor do Prêmio Hugo ou nomeado (link)
37. Um livro que você escolhe aleatoriamente
Feche os olhos e escolha um livro de uma pilha / estante.
Escreva títulos de livros em papel e escolha um dos pedaços de papel.
38. Um romance inspirado numa obra de literatura clássica
Bridget Jones’s Diary, Helen Fielding (Pride and Prejudice)
His Dark Materials, Philip Pullman (Paradise Lost)
Juliet Immortal (Juliet Immortal, #1)
39. Uma ficção epistolar
Vanessa and Her Sister by Priya Parmar
40. Um livro publicado em 2017
41. Um livro com um narrador não confiável
A Clockwork Orange
Fight Club
The Great Gatsby
The Catcher in the Rye
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
42. Um melhor livro do século XXI (até agora)
Código da Vinci
A culpa é das estrelas
43. Um livro com uma atmosfera arrepiante (a ssustador, inquietante, frio)
Perfume: The Story of a Murderer
The Collector
44. Uma recomendação de "O que devo ler em seguida" (link)
45. Um livro com um título de uma palavra
46. Um romance de viagem no tempo
47. Uma sugestão do passado que não ganhou (link)
48. Um livro proibido
49. Um livro da estante de outra pessoa
50. A Penguin Modern Classic - qualquer edição
51. Uma coleção (por exemplo, ensaios, contos, poesia, peças)
52. Um livro em um local ficcionalLista criada pelos membros do grupo, após sugestões e votos.
Sua contribuição será usada para melhorar a qualidade da tradução e poderá ser exibida anonimamente a outros usuários.
The 2017 List 1. A book from the Goodreads Choice Awards 2016 (link) 2. A book with at least 2 perspectives (multiple points of view) 3. A book you meant to read in 2016 4. A title that doesn't contain the letter "E" 5. A historical fiction 6. A book being released as a movie in 2017 7. A book with an animal on the cover or in the title 8. A book written by a person of color 9. A book in the middle of your To Be Read list 10. A dual-timeline novel 11. A category from another challenge 12. A book based on a myth 13. A book recommended by one of your favorite authors 14. A book with a strong female character 15. A book written or set in Scandinavia (Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Iceland) 16. A mystery 17. A book with illustrations 18. A really long book (600+ pages) 19. A New York Times best-seller 20. A book that you've owned for a while but haven't gotten around to reading 21. A book that is a continuation of a book you've already read 22. A book by an author you haven't read before 23. A book from the BBC "The Big Read" list (link) 24. A book written by at least two authors 25. A book about a famous historical figure 26. An adventure book 27. A book by one of your favorite authors 28. A non-fiction 29. A book published outside the 4 major publishing houses (Simon & Schuster; HarperCollins; Penguin Random House; Hachette Livre) - check all the editions 30. A book from Goodreads Top 100 YA Books (link) 31. A book from a sub-genre of your favorite genre 32. A book with a long title (5+ words, excluding subtitle) 33. A magical realism novel 34. A book set in or by an author from the Southern Hemisphere 35. A book where one of the main characters is royalty 36. A Hugo Award winner or nominee (link) 37. A book you choose randomly 38. A novel inspired by a work of classic literature 39. An epistolary fiction 40. A book published in 2017 41. A book with an unreliable narrator 42. A best book of the 21st century (so far) 43. A book with a chilling atmosphere (scary, unsettling, cold) 44. A recommendation from "What Should I Read Next" (link) 45. A book with a one-word title 46. A time travel novel 47. A past suggestion that didn't win (link) 48. A banned book 49. A book from someone else's bookshelf 50. A Penguin Modern Classic - any edition 51. A collection (e.g. essays, short stories, poetry, plays) 52. A book set in a fictional location List created by the group members, after suggestions and votes. Thanks to all! flag *
Definições de The 2017 List 1. A book from the Goodreads Choice Awards 2016 (link) 2. A book with at least 2 perspectives (multiple points of view) 3. A book you meant to read in 2016 4. A title that doesn't contain the letter "E" 5. A historical fiction 6. A book being released as a movie in 2017 7. A book with an animal on the cover or in the title 8. A book written by a person of color 9. A book in the middle of your To Be Read list 10. A dual-timeline novel 11. A category from another challenge 12. A book based on a myth 13. A book recommended by one of your favorite authors 14. A book with a strong female character 15. A book written or set in Scandinavia (Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Iceland) 16. A mystery 17. A book with illustrations 18. A really long book (600+ pages) 19. A New York Times best-seller 20. A book that you've owned for a while but haven't gotten around to reading 21. A book that is a continuation of a book you've already read 22. A book by an author you haven't read before 23. A book from the BBC "The Big Read" list (link) 24. A book written by at least two authors 25. A book about a famous historical figure 26. An adventure book 27. A book by one of your favorite authors 28. A non-fiction 29. A book published outside the 4 major publishing houses (Simon & Schuster; HarperCollins; Penguin Random House; Hachette Livre) - check all the editions 30. A book from Goodreads Top 100 YA Books (link) 31. A book from a sub-genre of your favorite genre 32. A book with a long title (5+ words, excluding subtitle) 33. A magical realism novel 34. A book set in or by an author from the Southern Hemisphere 35. A book where one of the main characters is royalty 36. A Hugo Award winner or nominee (link) 37. A book you choose randomly 38. A novel inspired by a work of classic literature 39. An epistolary fiction 40. A book published in 2017 41. A book with an unreliable narrator 42. A best book of the 21st century (so far) 43. A book with a chilling atmosphere (scary, unsettling, cold) 44. A recommendation from "What Should I Read Next" (link) 45. A book with a one-word title 46. A time travel novel 47. A past suggestion that didn't win (link) 48. A banned book 49. A book from someone else's bookshelf 50. A Penguin Modern Classic - any edition 51. A collection (e.g. essays, short stories, poetry, plays) 52. A book set in a fictional location List created by the group members, after suggestions and votes. Thanks to all! flag *
Sinônimos de The 2017 List 1. A book from the Goodreads Choice Awards 2016 (link) 2. A book with at least 2 perspectives (multiple points of view) 3. A book you meant to read in 2016 4. A title that doesn't contain the letter "E" 5. A historical fiction 6. A book being released as a movie in 2017 7. A book with an animal on the cover or in the title 8. A book written by a person of color 9. A book in the middle of your To Be Read list 10. A dual-timeline novel 11. A category from another challenge 12. A book based on a myth 13. A book recommended by one of your favorite authors 14. A book with a strong female character 15. A book written or set in Scandinavia (Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Iceland) 16. A mystery 17. A book with illustrations 18. A really long book (600+ pages) 19. A New York Times best-seller 20. A book that you've owned for a while but haven't gotten around to reading 21. A book that is a continuation of a book you've already read 22. A book by an author you haven't read before 23. A book from the BBC "The Big Read" list (link) 24. A book written by at least two authors 25. A book about a famous historical figure 26. An adventure book 27. A book by one of your favorite authors 28. A non-fiction 29. A book published outside the 4 major publishing houses (Simon & Schuster; HarperCollins; Penguin Random House; Hachette Livre) - check all the editions 30. A book from Goodreads Top 100 YA Books (link) 31. A book from a sub-genre of your favorite genre 32. A book with a long title (5+ words, excluding subtitle) 33. A magical realism novel 34. A book set in or by an author from the Southern Hemisphere 35. A book where one of the main characters is royalty 36. A Hugo Award winner or nominee (link) 37. A book you choose randomly 38. A novel inspired by a work of classic literature 39. An epistolary fiction 40. A book published in 2017 41. A book with an unreliable narrator 42. A best book of the 21st century (so far) 43. A book with a chilling atmosphere (scary, unsettling, cold) 44. A recommendation from "What Should I Read Next" (link) 45. A book with a one-word title 46. A time travel novel 47. A past suggestion that didn't win (link) 48. A banned book 49. A book from someone else's bookshelf 50. A Penguin Modern Classic - any edition 51. A collection (e.g. essays, short stories, poetry, plays) 52. A book set in a fictional location List created by the group members, after suggestions and votes. Thanks to all! flag *
Exemplos de The 2017 List 1. A book from the Goodreads Choice Awards 2016 (link) 2. A book with at least 2 perspectives (multiple points of view) 3. A book you meant to read in 2016 4. A title that doesn't contain the letter "E" 5. A historical fiction 6. A book being released as a movie in 2017 7. A book with an animal on the cover or in the title 8. A book written by a person of color 9. A book in the middle of your To Be Read list 10. A dual-timeline novel 11. A category from another challenge 12. A book based on a myth 13. A book recommended by one of your favorite authors 14. A book with a strong female character 15. A book written or set in Scandinavia (Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Iceland) 16. A mystery 17. A book with illustrations 18. A really long book (600+ pages) 19. A New York Times best-seller 20. A book that you've owned for a while but haven't gotten around to reading 21. A book that is a continuation of a book you've already read 22. A book by an author you haven't read before 23. A book from the BBC "The Big Read" list (link) 24. A book written by at least two authors 25. A book about a famous historical figure 26. An adventure book 27. A book by one of your favorite authors 28. A non-fiction 29. A book published outside the 4 major publishing houses (Simon & Schuster; HarperCollins; Penguin Random House; Hachette Livre) - check all the editions 30. A book from Goodreads Top 100 YA Books (link) 31. A book from a sub-genre of your favorite genre 32. A book with a long title (5+ words, excluding subtitle) 33. A magical realism novel 34. A book set in or by an author from the Southern Hemisphere 35. A book where one of the main characters is royalty 36. A Hugo Award winner or nominee (link) 37. A book you choose randomly 38. A novel inspired by a work of classic literature 39. An epistolary fiction 40. A book published in 2017 41. A book with an unreliable narrator 42. A best book of the 21st century (so far) 43. A book with a chilling atmosphere (scary, unsettling, cold) 44. A recommendation from "What Should I Read Next" (link) 45. A book with a one-word title 46. A time travel novel 47. A past suggestion that didn't win (link) 48. A banned book 49. A book from someone else's bookshelf 50. A Penguin Modern Classic - any edition 51. A collection (e.g. essays, short stories, poetry, plays) 52. A book set in a fictional location List created by the group members, after suggestions and votes. Thanks to all! flag *
Traduções de The 2017 List 1. A book from the Goodreads Choice Awards 2016 (link) 2. A book with at least 2 perspectives (multiple points of view) 3. A book you meant to read in 2016 4. A title that doesn't contain the letter "E" 5. A historical fiction 6. A book being released as a movie in 2017 7. A book with an animal on the cover or in the title 8. A book written by a person of color 9. A book in the middle of your To Be Read list 10. A dual-timeline novel 11. A category from another challenge 12. A book based on a myth 13. A book recommended by one of your favorite authors 14. A book with a strong female character 15. A book written or set in Scandinavia (Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Iceland) 16. A mystery 17. A book with illustrations 18. A really long book (600+ pages) 19. A New York Times best-seller 20. A book that you've owned for a while but haven't gotten around to reading 21. A book that is a continuation of a book you've already read 22. A book by an author you haven't read before 23. A book from the BBC "The Big Read" list (link) 24. A book written by at least two authors 25. A book about a famous historical figure 26. An adventure book 27. A book by one of your favorite authors 28. A non-fiction 29. A book published outside the 4 major publishing houses (Simon & Schuster; HarperCollins; Penguin Random House; Hachette Livre) - check all the editions 30. A book from Goodreads Top 100 YA Books (link) 31. A book from a sub-genre of your favorite genre 32. A book with a long title (5+ words, excluding subtitle) 33. A magical realism novel 34. A book set in or by an author from the Southern Hemisphere 35. A book where one of the main characters is royalty 36. A Hugo Award winner or nominee (link) 37. A book you choose randomly 38. A novel inspired by a work of classic literature 39. An epistolary fiction 40. A book published in 2017 41. A book with an unreliable narrator 42. A best book of the 21st century (so far) 43. A book with a chilling atmosphere (scary, unsettling, cold) 44. A recommendation from "What Should I Read Next" (link) 45. A book with a one-word title 46. A time travel novel 47. A past suggestion that didn't win (link) 48. A banned book 49. A book from someone else's bookshelf 50. A Penguin Modern Classic - any edition 51. A collection (e.g. essays, short stories, poetry, plays) 52. A book set in a fictional location List created by the group members, after suggestions and votes. Thanks to all! flag *
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